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Quebec City Through my Eyes

June 13, 2018

Film, Lifestyle, Personal, Travel


Quebec City will always hold a special place in my heart. Not only because my brother lives there, but also because it was the city that helped me heal from the deepest heartbreak I have ever experienced in my life. The streets in this beautiful city helped find myself. They made me realized I have a true creative soul. I remember wondering in the streets, and feeling stuck. I couldn’t take pictures. I have never experienced a creative blockage before.  But I also remember, that once I felt strong in my heart again, I was able to see the light again. I was able to approach people in the streets and ask if I could take pictures of them.

To be a photographer in this beautiful city is a dream, and I can’t wait to go back this summer. If you are a Quebecois… and would like to have a Family Session with me, or a Mentorship just send me an e-mail me!

Here some images from Quebec through my eyes. A combinations of images from two trips I took to this city, last year. First in July, then in October. Je t’aime Quebec City. All pictures taken with my Canon EOS 3, and Portra 400 & Tri x- 400 35 mm film.



People in the Streets of Quebec City on FilmThe Chilean harpist that plays in the streets of Quebec. Quebec City a Cruise DestinationCyntia Apps Travels to Quebec CityCyntia Apps Children Photographer in Quebec CityFood Tour In Quebec CityBlack & White Film Double Exposure by Cyntia Apps. Self-Portrait

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