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The Dolomites & Verona through my eyes …

August 29, 2017

Film, Lifestyle, Travel


Just when writing this post, I realize how I can be taken back to a place, and moment from a picture. It’s truly powerful. I finally get to show you the images from my road trip with my younger brother from Southern Germany to Italy. I loved to have had the opportunity to travel to Europe by myself; so very grateful to my husband and my parents to support me. And grateful to my younger brother for hosting me during this time.

Out of all the beautiful people I met, the amazing food I ate, and the gorgeous places I saw; my most memorable memory, other than the fact that I LOVED spending that time with my brother singing, and laughing,  will be the day we arrived in Northern Italy: my brother and I were looking for a place to eat, and some wine and cheese to snack on. We entered a little wine shop in the town of Brennero, in the Dolomites Area, and we had the most amazing chat with this older Italian shop owner. We were trying to tell him in Spanish, that we were not together; but that we were brother and sister. And after all our efforts; he said: ” Fratello e Sorella!!!!!”.  His hand gestures, and accent made it that much better. With his advice, we had amazing wine, and cheese that night.

We stayed over night in the Dolomites Area, close to Fortezza; and then in Verona: La Piccola Roma (Little Rome). Great memories of an amazing trip, and now you get to see Northern Italy through my eyes….

Images taken with Canon EOS 3, Tr ix-400 BW, and Portra 400. Scans by Photovision.

Spiral staircase in Verona, Italy

Shadows on the wall in Verona, Italy by Cyntia Apps Photography

Man cycling down the street in Verona by Cyntia Apps Photography

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